Design studio. Brand identity, packaging design, graphic design, food photography, content creation. Bregenz and Copenhagen. Founded by Brini Fetz.
Brini Fetz, design studio, hej studio, Copenhagen
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hej studio is a multidisciplinary design studio all about food and lifestyle. On the menu: bold brand identities, packaging design solutions, graphic design, food photography and delicious content.

Find our team in buzzing Copenhagen, Denmark and at the edge of the Austrian Alps in Bregenz – two places wildly different in size, geography and culture, however complementing each other in the best way and inspiring us in everything we do.

hej studio ist ein interdisziplinäres Design Studio mit Fokus auf Food und Lifestyle. Auf dem Menü: erfrischende Markenbilder, Verpackungsdesign, Graphik Design, Food Fotografie und delikater Online-Content.

nanna kopp
Senior designer
Copenhagen, Denmark

brini fetz
Founder & creative director
Bregenz, Austria